Friday, August 30, 2013

Does e-learning require a new theory of learning?

My initial answer to the question above was probably no, probably based on my limited knowledge of Learning Theory. I thought constructivist theory had all the learning that occurs in a school context pretty much covered and if not cognitive theory applied. I figured eLearning was just social constructivist theory with ICT thrown in to support pedagogy. After further reading my answer now is probably, but not a definite yes. My opinion however, I expect, may change again with the more I learn!

In his paper Does e-learning require a new theory of learning? Andrews (2011) suggests, "that learning and technology are reciprocal and coevolutionary" and that learning is not just enhanced by technology. He goes on to discuss the ideas of Keegan (1993), Moore (1997) and Jewitt (2008) with mention of distance learning, transactional distance and learning from a multimodal perspective, respectively. Andrews believes learning is a transformational personal and social/political act with transformation a key characteristic of e-learning. He adds that learning is an effect of community, e-learning practices are distinctly different from real world practices and that the learner must be self motivated as he/she is often in a more isolated position.

Andrews goes on to examine four bodies of theory that may inform an understanding of e-learning - Social Informatics, Communication (multimodal), Digital Media and Conventional Learning Theory.
From these he (and Haythornthwaite, 2007), asserts that e-learning is, "inextricably a social act", not just a socio-technical activity. The contemporary learner's "network of learning" is important to consider as this is a new system of social relationships. Andrews points out that digital formatted text is more malleable therefore the position of the learner is changed in relation to the content, e-community relations are different to "real world" but they are interconnected and the "digital divide" in access all need to be considered if an e-learning theory is to be developed. With all this in mind Andrews believes there is significant difference between e-learning and conventional learning to warrant the development of an e-learning theory. I think his points are valid argument in support of continued pursuit of a new theory.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Transactional Distance Theory Images

There are two images located through a Google Image search that best represents my understanding of Transactional Distance Theory. The first is a 3D Model of Transactional Distance.

I have chosen this image because this model of learning supports the intention to move students away from dialogue or towards more individualized structure to allow them to increase their autonomy. I think the further from the origin the more learner centred the learning. In my library teaching context this is relevant because much of what I teach is about guiding students to become more autonomous learners. To question where to get answers not just what is the answer. This Theory implies the need to guide students in how to set up their own learning networks.
I also like the colourful image of two people that shows the social complexity of learning from others.

In the classroom students enjoy learning with and from friends. Most are generally comfortable with this kind of learning. In my role as an online teacher this image implies the need to reduce transactional distance so my students feel comfortable. As you can see in the image there are computers and content above the people but the two learners are central and facing each other, socially equal online with learning going to and from both. Each has something to bring to the learning episode.

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Reflective Synopsis: My learning to date…

The Reflective Synopsis: My learning to date…

"We complain that learners want to be spoon-fed, but then we won't let them hold the spoon." Jane Bozarth

The most important principle for designing lively eLearning is to see eLearning design not as information design but as designing an experience.” Cathy Moore

eLearning doesn't just "happen"! It requires careful planning and implementation”. Anonymous

The three quotes (Shift Disruptive Learning site, 2013,) and the sign above, sum up my current thoughts on eLearning. But what is eLearning I wondered eight weeks ago?  As a teacher and librarian (trained separately for each role) two orientations of an eLearning definition, provided by Sangra, Vlachopoulos and Cabrera (2012), resonated within my personal concept. Firstly, I lean towards the education-paradigm-oriented definition more so, that is - transformation or improvement of an existing educational paradigm. The communication-oriented definition - communication, interaction and collaboration tools for learning also contains key terms that I believe are significant to an eLearning definition particularly when I am wearing my librarian “hat”. My Current Practice - Learning and the Learner provides background to my context.

Important to an understanding of designing and facilitating with eLearning is a good grasp of learning theory concepts. My concept map so far illustrates how I relate learning theory within the education environment I work in. Social constructivism (Lev Vygotsky) is a significant theory  to comprehend to effectively weave ICT into the classroom as per the SAMR Model of ICT integration, particularly at the transformation levels. In planning professional development activities for my own staff sharing of the SAMR model (Puentedura, 2003) would be something that I think could be grasped and utilised by all. My deeper understanding of theory and how ICT can be better integrated will provide more direction to the planning of professional development within my school.

My new knowledge gained from my scooped artifacts such as Bloomin Apps and the Flipped Classroom has opened my thinking on how eLearning can be better worked into unit and lesson planning. Prior to my research, I based my knowledge on this approach to learning on Education Queensland’s 2013 Project 600 of which I was a facilitator but I now realise eLearning  is so much more. The Scoopit! artifacts in the topic SAMR Transformational eLearning have already impacted on my current practice. I am now looking at how to modify and redefine learning tasks for senior students  to better provide opportunities for them to be connected, creative and global learners who are becoming “knowledge able” rather than just knowledgeable (Wesch, 2012). I have even opened my thinking to appreciate the value of serious gaming as a way of motivating students and differentiating learning experiences. Some examples of how this could be done are included in the artifact curation of Gaming: Leveling Up Global Competence.

Collaborative online learning – I love it! I am a social learner and greatly benefit from the sharing of ideas and opinions. The collegial sharing prompts and expands my thinking in a non-threatening environment. Provision of lots of visuals during web conferencing has fit well with my learning style. Perhaps the only negative is I do sometimes feel pressure if time constraints are applied but this is more about not sharing in time for my peers to be able to provide feedback. I believe I am becoming a more modern and connected teacher by experiencing collaborative learning first hand.  I have an increasing desire to design project based learning for my students to strengthen the 21st Century personal qualities (Employability Skills, Australian Government, 2013), they will require to be successful in this digital age.


Reference List

Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. (2013). Employability Skills. Retrieved August 17, 2013, from

Learning Constructivism. Retrieved August 14, 2013.from

Puentedura, R. (2003, July 15). Ruben R. Puentedura's Weblog. Hippasus. Retrieved August 14, 2013, from

Sangra, A. Vlachopoulos, D. and Cabrera, N. (2012), Retrieved August 14, 2013, from

SHIFT’s eLearning Blog. Retrieved August 17, 2013, from  

Wesch, M. (2012, March 22). Michael Wesch on Knowledgeable vs. Knowledge-able - YouTube. YouTube. Retrieved August 17, 2013, from