Saturday, July 20, 2013

Concept map so far (1 Sep 2013)

Make your own mind maps with Mindomo. Finally adding my concept map...

Finally added, took a while. Click on the four directions arrows to view in entirety.
Commentary: I have positioned me in the centre as my own learning is learner centred, as my student's should be. I have added a few subtopics that relate to me. I feel all of the learning theories I have been exposed to, and utilise in my teaching practice, are important however I have placed Constructivist theory ahead of me and behaviourist and cognitive dragging along behind because strengthening my knowledge in constructivism is where I am headed.


  1. Hi Justine, very impressed with the connections you have made to your role and current focuses of education in Australia...identifying where NAPLAN and eLearning fit into the various learning theories. Makes this engagement task relevant and personal.

  2. I'd agree Justine. I love how you've linked it to your current context as it really gives an insight into the focuses in your workplace.

  3. Justine I like your links and how you personalised it . Can I borrow your image on the current learning theories. Where is it from?
