Saturday, July 20, 2013

Concept map so far (1 Sep 2013)

Make your own mind maps with Mindomo. Finally adding my concept map...

Finally added, took a while. Click on the four directions arrows to view in entirety.
Commentary: I have positioned me in the centre as my own learning is learner centred, as my student's should be. I have added a few subtopics that relate to me. I feel all of the learning theories I have been exposed to, and utilise in my teaching practice, are important however I have placed Constructivist theory ahead of me and behaviourist and cognitive dragging along behind because strengthening my knowledge in constructivism is where I am headed.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Constructivism - make it real

I believe the article Objectivism Versus Constructivism is relevant to e-Learning design today in that Jonassen has considered the following aspects that support theoretical positions in the e-Learning context:

·         Instructional goals and objectives are negotiated not imposed.

·         Task/content analysis should not be focused on a single best sequence.

·         Evaluation of learning be less criterion based allowing for a wider range of responses
Learners should be socially constructing reality rather than having it imparted on them by basing it on experience and interpretation.

Limitations and barriers to constructivist e-Learning in my teaching and learning context include:

·         Lack of access to technology at time of need.

·         Very prescriptive objectives and scheduled assessment tasks for each unit of work in the National Curriculum English, Maths, History and Science.

·         Assessment based on tight criteria often with very limited response type options.

·         Lack of student skills with ICTs to participate in an e-Learning environment.

It is not realistic to be 100% constructivist as differences in learners, content, contexts and desired outcomes all need to be considered before deciding which approach to learning (based on which theory) would be the most appropriate. My own teaching is very much a blend of all three major learning theories depending on what and how the student will best learn and what resources I have at my disposal. I could probably use constructivist based pedagogy more effectively in relation to conceptual learning through problem solving as I think this would enable my students to succeed in future life and to be life long learners.. I think this would make the students' learning more real life. I do however try to give students ample opportunity to articulate understandings in social environments albeit usually just in a physical space.

Cognitivism - so mental

Cognitive learning is about a change to mental associations due to experience, that is, the use of existing schema and formation of new schema to accommodate the new experience and information whereas, behaviourism (as discussed in my previous blog) was more about a change in behaviour due to experience. It should be kept in mind that cognitive learning theory is a must in a teaching context because much of the business of education is all about cognition and metacognition. The objective nature of cognitivism is useful when there is a body of knowledge or principles to be learned. It is therefore an approach of value to be used in conjunction with other learning theories. It is a valuable approach particularly for beginner teachers who may be novice at organising units of work and lesson plans. It gives some progression to the learning of higher level and more complex facts and concepts if that is the desired outcome.

Recently, in my context in the teaching of reading during Education Queensland’s Project 600 all of the online lessons were largely based on Gagne’s conditions of learning concept. This was titled IMPACT learning (an acronym) that is very similar to the Explicit Instruction framework. Although I had learnt this theory in my pre-teaching course I don’t think I had consciously remembered it for over 20 years. I must have developed a schema around the whole concept because when being trained to be a Project 600 facilitator it was familiar so I did not have to learn this on top of learning how to teach online. Therefore, cognitive overload was not a problem at this time. The EQ systemic expectation that explicit instruction be applied to the learning of new skills and concepts sits comfortably within my pedagogical approach.
If instruction is based on cognitive learning theories I would predict learners would all eventually arrive at the same outcome. BUT THEY DON’T aaagh. Too much of what we intend to make it to the learner’s long term memory doesn’t - so there must be a better way.
There seems to be some success in utilising this approach to learning when students have mastery of a given set of “basics” which they will be required to recall and then use to learn higher level facts or concepts. It is also useful in terms of graphic organisers which help students categorise and link information.

The problem with basing pedagogy purely around cognitive learning theory is when it is over used it can become boring for the learner and the learner is not at the centre of the process.
Also, if the basic body of knowledge has not been processed to the long term memory in the brain what then is the foundation for further and more complex learning in a topic or content area.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Behaviourism - good to begin with

Behaviourism (applying positive reinforcement) is sometimes a useful approach in my primary teaching context (children 4-13 years old), particularly in the area of behaviour management. However, behaviourism theory alone definitely does not account for much of the concept and skill learning that occurs in my classroom. When applying positive reinforcement the age of the students impacts on my decision on the type of positive reinforcement to use and the way it is given. For example, a positive behaviour exhibited by a Year 1 child can often be easily made more frequently occur through the awarding of stickers. This use of a material reward seems to be less desirable to the older students.

Routine classroom tasks can successfully be taught through a behaviourist approach to learning. This is “drill and practice” of simple processes or skills. For example positive reinforcement (praise) when 8 year olds put a margin and date on their work page at the beginning of a lesson. NOTE: In my situation this is a school wide expectation (checked by the Principal) not necessarily a priority in my opinion . Basic facts in maths also tends to be taught using this approach as there is an expectation (through explicit instruction) that there is a “warm up” at the beginning of maths lessons to enhance the automatic recall of facts in a quick and accurate fashion. I think the learning of sport specific skills (outside of a formal game situation) in HPE often occurs through a behaviouristic approach – such as the scoring of points when a skill is performed correctly.

When behaviourist theory is applied to a teaching/learning event I would expect the learning outcome to be an increase in the desired behaviour and therefore more frequently observed. It may also result in increased speed and accuracy in an action or content recall. I think it is a teacher led manipulation of behaviour.

Behaviourist theory, leading to a certain choice of pedagogy to match, may work with most individuals, much of the time (probably more so with mechanical, repetitive work), but it does not account for those learners who don’t respond to this stimulus-response task design. It also doesn’t factor in allowing the learner to understand the learner episode - they just “do it”. It doesn’t allow the learner to bring their emotions to the task. We use an online reading software package at our school called Lexia  (Prep to Year 4) that aims to produce reading proficiency. Most students respond well to it initially but they get bored after the first few years. This is why Years 5-7 no longer use the program (off task behaviour in the timetabled classes was an issue) unless they are individuals struggling with literacy acquisition. Some students “hate it”. I think this is because there is no social collaborative aspect to the lessons – students wear headphones and work alone. The teacher aid supervising the classes now awards stickers for level achievement as there is little positive reinforcement built into the online environment.

HOWEVER, my 'kids"aren't rats!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My Current Practice - learning and the learner

After 25 years with the same employer (and 10 years as a student in the Queensland State School System) I would have to say I am a “product” of Education Queensland. Suffice to say I have experienced continual and vast change in the workplace, never more so than the last 5 years. Fortunately, I have, as mentioned by Wendy, capabilities and attributes beyond disciplinary knowledge”.  This has allowed me as a teacher to cope with rapid change by transferring my skills and knowledge to different educational contexts.  These capabilities and attributes are what I want the students I work with to develop. They can take these with them as they move from Primary, to Secondary, to further study and then into the workplace – continuing to learn as they move through the stages. Although different institutions and organisations may use varying terminology there is a lot of commonality in their “lists” which I collectively call  21st Century Must Haves.

As I am currently a teacher librarian my job is a curriculum support role. I teach every child in the school each week. I support the resourcing (students and staff), teaching of curriculum (particularly English and History) and professional development of staff. Information literacy and literature weigh heavily in my programs. As a beginning teacher it was all about imparting knowledge in subject areas of which I was meant to be the expert. My current practice is to help students determine what it is they already know, what they need to know, where to find this knowledge and how to best use it to construct new meaning. 
Explicit instruction, productive pedagogies, higher order thinking, differentiation, pedagogical framework…. all currently catch cries of EQ. All impacting on my beliefs and approach to teaching. All keeping me a learner in my profession.  

I believe that every student is capable of successful learning.
It is my goal to enable this learning to occur.
How will learning about e-Learning help me achieve this goal?